Athena arrived in France after obtaining a Master's Degree in Arts in Iran. She went on to study Arts and the Science of Art at the Panthéon University Sorbonne and obtained a Doctorate in Fine Arts. Despite the demands of her studies during that time, Athena continued to sculpt. She now lives in the South of France where she is able to devote all her time to her passion as a professional sculptress.
"The animal sculptures of Athena Jahantigh, who has resided in France since 2003, transport us back to an immense iconographic heritage, creating an inspirational and nostalgic bond with her native Iran, and marries to perfection her other great creative source of rock painting.
The results are these little marvels of hieratic and callipygous animals with strong and sensual forms, and a particularly modern sculptural presence. These are thoroughly contemporary pieces, yet deeply rooted in an ancient y rooted in an ancient culture!"
Niegel Atkins (gallerist)
"Her first pieces were created in Iran and were made of enamelled earthenware in one bright and intense colour. In France, her work evolved towards new finishes: in one, grains of Chamotte are revealed by scratching the surface; and in another, only traces of enamel are left in the creases after partially erasing areas of the surface.
Her larger dimensioned, more recent pieces, are made of sandstone, or porcelain, where the animal's body movement is accentuated by applying plates, cut into strips, to the legs and upwards."
Nicole Crestou (from the book "Bestiaire - Sculpture céramique")

2021 : Maison&Objet Fair, september, Villepinte, France
2021 : Terra Rossa Museum, ‘’Terre Sauvage’’ exposition, Salernes, France
2020 : BShop Gallery, Rodez, France
2020 : Idée, ‘’Athena Jahantigh Exposition’’, Tokyo, Japan
2019 : Vita Moderna, Mumbai, India
2019 : Salon Maison&Objet, january & september, Villepinte, France
2019 : Idée, Tokyo, Japan
2019 : g-roppongi, Tokyo, Japan
2019 : Becker Minty, Sydney, Australia
2018 : Gallery Don du Fel, Window of don, Exposition "Athena Jahantigh", Le Fel, France
2018 : Maison des Métiers d'Art, Exposition "Terre en Reflet", Marseille, France
2018 : Les communs, Exposition "Animal", Cormatin, France
2018 : Salon Maison&Objet, january&september sessions, Villepinte, France
2017 : Espace des Arts Chépontains, 12th contemporary ceramics show in Normandie, Pont de L'Arche, France
2017 : Château Lavardens, Exposition "Céramique d'Art",Lavardens, France
2017 : Salon Maison&Objet, january&september session, Villepinte, France
2016 : Maison des Métiers d'Art, Exposition "Savane & Abysses", Pezenas, France
2016 : Museum Terra Rossa, Exposition "Objectif Terres", Salernes, France
2016 : Exposition "Carte Blanche à Athena Jahantigh", Paris, France
2016 : Gallery Don du Fel, Window of don, Exposition "Athena Jahantigh", Le Fel, France
2016 : Maison des Métiers d'Art, Exposition "Inspiration Animales", Marseille, France
2016 : Maison des Métiers d'Art, Exposition "Anatomie du geste", Pézenas, France
2015 : Gallery Médiart, Exposition "Bestiaire II", Paris, France
2015 : Exposition "Bestiaire I", Paris, France
2015 : Gallery Argile, Clermont-Ferrand, France
2015 : Gallery Don du Fel Exposition "Pas bête du tout", Le Fel, France
2014 : Gallery Espace 361°, Aix-en-Provence, France
2013 : Gallery Tuilerie Bossy, Gardanne, France
2012 : Gallery ... Exposition ''Corps et Fragments'', Paris, France
2011 : Gallery Pascale Hugonet, Aix-en-Provence, France
2010 : Gallery Goutte de Terre, Paris, France
2010 : Art studio RRose Sélavy, Exposition "Athena Jahantigh", Paris, France
2010 : Galerie d'Angle, Exposition "Corps à Corps", Paris, France
2010 : Exposition "Un jardin dans la galerie", Paris, France
2009 : lagalerie/aCTUAL'aRT, Exposition "Athena Jahantigh", Paris, France
2009 : Gallery Médiart, Exposition "Les volatiles", Paris, France
2008 : Gallery Jenny du Marais, Paris, France
2008 : Rossini Home, Paris, France
2007 : Cultural Centre of Iran, Paris, France
2007 : Rossini Home, Paris, France
2007 : Biennial of Iran contemporary ceramic, Teheran
2005 : International City, Paris, France
2002 : Biennial of Iran contemporary ceramic, Mashhad
1999 : Gallery Soureh, zahedan, Iran
"The choice of the horse in my work is rather cultural. This magnificent animal has lived alongside us for most of our history. The horse is quickly represented in the animal drawings inscribed on ancient pottery in Iran, and then it takes the form of vessels or figurines.
Personally, I find the horse to be the most elegant animal in existence. It is both beauty and strength, pride and gentleness, power but also appeasement. I am always amazed every time I see a horse...."
Athena Jahantigh