Happy International Women's Day!
Throughout history, women have forged a profound and symbolic relationship with horses, frequently admired as bold and graceful riders. This enduring connection signifies both strength and courage, while also reflecting gentleness and elegance — the very essence of the remarkable bond between women and horses. In celebration of International Women's Day this week, we pay tribute to this connection through a curated collection of artworks -paintings and sculptures by talented women artists, created in homage to other women.
Ninon Art
Bronze sculpture
Dimensions: 34x34x14 cm
€ 4950
Shipping: from Netherlands
Beatrice James
"Hello Ladies!"
Oil on canvas
£ 3900
Dimensions: framed 41.5x51.5cm (unframed 30.5x40.7cm)
Shipping: from UK
Marie Ackers
"The Amazone"
Bronze sculpture
Dimensions: 37 x 35 x 18 cm
Limited edition of 8
£ 5900
Shipping: from UK